

Time Travel on a Jet Plane

For realsies, I don't know when I'll be back again. I'm sitting at LAX waiting for my flight to Sydney. I'm going to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa, which allows me to legally work while not having to go through the rigorous process of getting a work visa. I'm allowed to be there up to a year and cannot work for the same company for more than six months.

On the way there, I cross the international date line, and since I'll be heading west, I lose a day. Where does it go? I don't know. But basically, January 3rd will not exist for me. And when I return, I time travel again because I'll arrive in Los Angeles at an earlier hour of the day then I left Australia.

As for not knowing when I'll be back, I mean, as long as I'm already there, I'd like to see New Zealand fr sure. Then, where to?